A Flower Essence Healing for Trauma and Seizures

This is the second post in a blog series on the topic of flower essences. If you would like to start from the beginning, Click Here. This link will be provided again at the end of this post.

The Case Of The Anxious Cocker
Lilly was a sweet, middle-aged Cocker Spaniel. Her owners came to see me for a second (and more holistic) opinion for treating her seizures after having already taken her to see other veterinarians.
This couple had adopted Lilly as an adult and she had been living with them for four years. It was clear from her behavior, however, that she had been abused or traumatized by her previous owners. The symptoms of the trauma wouldn’t get better or go away, no matter how loving, caring, and protective her new owners were towards her.
Lily often hid under the table, avoiding contact or interaction with people or pets. She only occasionally allowed petting and touching from her new owners. She eventually warmed up to them, but still, she was wary of their visiting children, strangers, or other humans.
6 months before coming to see me, Lilly started to have seizures.
As months went by, the seizures got worse and more frequent. Eventually, she was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy.
Lilly’s biggest problem, however, was that her body couldn’t tolerate any of the seizure medications— they gave her nausea, diarrhea, often causing her to vomit and feel lethargic.
After working with specialists for months (and as a last resort), Lilly’s owners decided to see what alternative medicine had to offer.
During her appointment with me, Lilly was paralyzed with fear. With a little coaxing though, she allowed me to check everything out without too much fuss.
This was early in my career. I was still learning about holistic treatments and I wanted some time to research herbal remedies for the seizures. I told Lilly’s owners that I would get back to them the following week. In the meantime, we would put her on a treatment that might help her anxiety.
And so: I poured some distilled water into a 2 oz. bottle and added 5 drops of each of the following flower remedies: Star of Bethlehem, Clemantis, Cherry plum, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Mimulus, Aspen and Willow.
Each of these flower remedies treats a different emotional state. For example, Mimulus treats generalized fears and anxieties, while Willow treats the emotional state of “feeling like a victim”. Star of Bethlehem is the flower essence that is said to remove trauma.

The Healing Power Of Flower Essences
Before sending them home, I told Lilly’s owners to add 10 drops of the flower essence formula into her water bowl and 10 drops into her food every day. They could also put a few drops on a treat for her throughout the day. The bottle would last them about 1 month.
A week and a half after the appointment and after researching herbal treatments for seizures, I called Lilly’s owners. I was a little nervous— It had been a busy week and it had taken me longer than expected to get back to them. I worried that Lilly might not be doing well.
To my relief, however, when Lilly’s owners picked up the phone, they were ecstatic.
They told me that since her visit with me, Lilly was unrecognizable. She wanted to be pet and snuggled happily with her owners. She wagged her tail for the first time. When the owner’s children came to see her, she greeted them at the door—the first time she had ever done this in the four years they’d known her.
But that wasn’t even the most dramatic part of her recovery. Over the past 10 days, she hadn’t had a single seizure. Before she came to see me, the seizures were happening every few days. And since starting the flower essences, she hadn’t had any.
The owners decided not to add any additional treatments and instead continue with flower essences alone. To my surprise and fascination, she did amazingly well and her improvement continued.
One year later, her owner reported that Lilly had not had a single seizure since beginning the flower essences.
And on top of it, she had transformed into a truly social and happy dog.
Flower Essences and Seizures
I left San Francisco the following year and lost touch with Lilly’s owners. However, she was one of the first cases that I treated with flower essences and this case left a lasting impression on me.
That being said, flower essences, even today, are not my first line of holistic treatment for seizures. However in Lilly’s case, and in a few others, I have seen them work.
Flower essences treat emotional states. And sometimes, those emotions can be tied with a physical symptom. In Lilly’s case: her extreme anxiety and trauma seemed to be tied in with her seizures.
We will see this phenomenon of a physical symptom being tied to an emotional state happen again in later posts in this series.
After reading about Lilly, you may be left asking: What exactly are these flower essences? Where did they come from? How are they made?
We will look at that in the next post, as our Flower Essence series continues!
And if you want to read the series from the beginning, feel free to click here!
Otherwise, onto our next Post: What exactly are flower essences? Who discovered this unusual therapy? Click here to find out!

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